Exploring Nature through School Age

Beautiful natural spaces spark a sense of wonder in children of all ages. But how do we keep them engaged with the outdoors as they progress through school? At our academy, a leading daycare in Katy, Texas, we believe in fostering a lifelong love of learning that extends beyond the classroom walls. That’s why we incorporate nature exploration into our curriculum for all ages, from our early learners to our kindergarteners!

Early childhood in Texas is a time of immense curiosity and wonder. Our youngest explorers get their hands dirty in our on-site sensory garden, planting seeds, observing caterpillars transform into butterflies, and learning about the vital role of plants in our ecosystem. Sensory experiences like these ignite a love for nature that children carry with them as they grow.

As children enter preschool and pre-k, their extracurricular activities expand. Field trips to local parks and nature centers become a highlight, allowing them to observe a wider variety of wildlife and learn about different habitats. We also incorporate nature-themed crafts and science experiments into our curriculum, encouraging creativity and critical thinking.

By the time children reach kindergarten in Texas, they’re ready for more in-depth exploration. We might embark on a bug hunt, where they use magnifying glasses to study different insects and learn about their unique roles in the food chain. We might even create a nature journal where children document their observations and discoveries, fostering a sense of scientific inquiry.

At Scribbles Academy, we believe that by nurturing a love for nature early on, we’re setting children up for a lifetime of learning and appreciation for the world around them. Want to learn more about how we integrate nature exploration into our curriculum? Contact us today and schedule a tour!

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